Shoulder Pain: Mobility vs Stability

Shoulder pain can be a debilitating condition that limits the ability to perform daily activities. The shoulder joint is one of the most complex joints in the human body, and it requires a delicate balance of stability and mobility to function properly. This blog post will discuss the connection between shoulder mobility and stability and how it relates to shoulder function.

Shoulder Anatomy

Three bones make up the shoulder joint: the humerus (upper arm bone), scapula (shoulder blade), and clavicle (collarbone). These bones are held together by a network of ligaments, tendons, and muscles that allow for a wide range of motion. The shoulder joint is unique because it has a shallow socket and relies heavily on the surrounding muscles for support. Some of those muscles and their attachment sites near the shoulder joint form the rotator cuff.

Mobility vs Stability

Shoulder stability and mobility are two critical components of shoulder function. Stability refers to the ability of the shoulder joint to maintain its position during movement or while resisting movement of the shoulder. While mobility refers to the overall range of motion of the shoulder joint.


The shoulder joint is designed to be mobile, allowing for a wide range of motion. However, this mobility can come at a cost. The shoulder joint is naturally more vulnerable to dislocation due to the lack of osseous or bony structures there to prevent excessive motion. To compensate for this instability, the surrounding muscles and ligaments must provide the necessary stability to keep the joint in place during movements. This means that there is a large amount of importance on strengthening the shoulder joint and also preparing the ligaments, muscles, and tendons for all the necessary motion that a healthy shoulder should have. 


The shoulder joint functions properly when there is a balance between stability and mobility. However, if there is an imbalance, it can lead to shoulder pain and dysfunction.

Examples of Shoulder Stability

mobility vs stabilityImagine that you are doing a plank exercise. Planks are usually done on with the hands, knees or feet and are typically seen as a core exercise. Well in this example, I want the reader to visualize the shoulder joint. While the core is helping to keep your lumbar spine and torso stable, the shoulder joint is also functioning to help keep the upper body stable. This is an example of shoulder stability while the body is trying to prevent motion.


In this example a person may be trying to throw a ball. While throwing a ball, this person throwing has to not only create force to throw the object, but also has to have the strength to stop their arm after the ball has left their hand. This ability to stop the arm that is already in motion, is another way to view shoulder mobility. If this person didn’t have stability, they would have a hard time stopping their arm that is already in motion and it could cause an injury.


The last example of shoulder stability would be the ability to maintain proper shoulder mechanics while performing a downward dog position while practicing yoga. During downward dog, typically the heels of the person are on the ground, the hands are also on the ground and the glutes are hiked upward. In this position, it is very easy for the shoulders to rise up toward the head, if you have good shoulder stability, you can control your shoulders and keep them away from your head or jaw while performing this exercise. Yet again another example of shoulder stability but this time, the body is in motion and we are trying to maintain a position while the body is moving.

Chiropractic Treatment for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can be effectively treated with chiropractic treatments. Chiropractors are experts in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal conditions, including shoulder pain.


Chiropractic treatment for shoulder pain typically involves a combination of manual therapies, such as joint mobilization and manipulation, soft tissue therapies, and exercise rehabilitation. These therapies are designed to restore proper shoulder function by addressing imbalances between stability and mobility.

Joint Mobilization and Manipulation

Joint mobilization and manipulation are manual therapies that involve the application of force to the shoulder joint to restore mobility. These therapies can effectively treat shoulder pain caused by restricted joint mobility.

Soft Tissue Therapies

Treatments for soft tissues, like the Active Release Technique (ART) and Graston Technique, are used to treat soft tissue injuries and improve soft tissue function. These therapies can effectively treat shoulder pain caused by injuries to the rotator cuff, labrum, or other stabilizing structures of the shoulder joint.

Exercise Rehabilitation/Corrective Exercises

Exercise rehabilitation is an essential component of chiropractic treatment for shoulder pain. Exercises are designed to restore proper shoulder function by improving strength, stability, and mobility and help to develop motor pattern firing.

Prevention of Shoulder Pain

mobility vs stabilityPrevention of shoulder pain involves maintaining a balance between shoulder stability and mobility. Regular exercise that includes both strengthening and mobility exercises can help prevent shoulder injuries. Maintaining good posture and avoiding repetitive overhead movements is also important, as these can place excessive stress on the shoulder joint and lead to injuries.


If you have shoulder pain, the most important thing to do is get a proper examination from a trusted medical professional. Don’t let Dr. Google be the only resource that you use to diagnose your shoulder. It is important to do this quickly because the longer that shoulder pain is present, the tougher it is to get it to resolve.


Shoulder pain can be a debilitating condition that limits the ability to perform daily activities. The shoulder joint requires a delicate balance of stability and mobility to function properly, and an imbalance between the two can lead to shoulder pain and dysfunction.


Chiropractic care is an effective treatment option for shoulder pain. Chiropractors can restore proper shoulder function by addressing any imbalances between stability and mobility through a combination of manual therapies, soft tissue therapies, and exercise rehabilitation.


To prevent shoulder pain, it is crucial to maintain good posture, avoid repetitive overhead movements, and engage in regular exercise that includes both strengthening and mobility exercises.


If you are experiencing shoulder pain, don’t let it limit your ability to perform daily activities. Instead, contact a chiropractor today to schedule an appointment and start your journey to a pain-free shoulder.